Saturday, 8 November 2008

One week in...

... and things are a little slow round here. Had a flying start but as I'd thought things got hairy midweek when life is always ultra full on. And it is full on at the moment.
Still, I am over halfway thru the first draft of the novella and just need to grit my teeth to get the rest of it down... it is a really fun story but the version I have in my head is so much more fun than what I have penned so far!!!! Hooray for rewriting ;)


Rachael Johns said...

Am so glad talented, published writers like you find that the story in their head doesn't seem to come across quite so magical on the page. Here's to rewrites!

PS. Good luck... will be cheering you on and watching your progress.

B.H. Dark said...

You are so funny. I love your novella idea.

I know it will come out fab!

B.H. (aka Julie C)

Natalie Anderson said...

Thanks Rachel - am into the rewrte phase now and must admit I'm enjoying the story a lot more!!! Now how is yours going???

B.H. - you're the funny one hun... I mean - PORNSHIP????