Friday, 4 February 2011

Happy days...

It's hubby and my 11th wedding anniversary tomorrow. We're going on a date tonight. I've been playing dress-ups to decide what to wear... and to my delight can fit the cute dress I wore to our date that we went on the exact year before we married - our  'negative oneth' anniversary as I jokingly called it at the time. We went to a great veggie restaurant in Crouch End. Yes I still have the dress. Yes, it's 12 years old. It's an old Press & Bastyan number that I got from Selfridges in London at the time - we can call it vintage, right? ;)


Miss Bougie said...

Happy anniversary, Natalie.
Hope you had a really romantic dinner - creating lots of memories.

I'm impressed that you still fit into that little!!

Judy Jarvie said...

Oooh posh frock! And Crouch End, I know it well (worked there darling!)
Hope you had a fabby fabby time and a great meal!

Natalie Anderson said...

Thanks so much Brigitte and Judy!!! We had such a lovely evening. I feel so lucky to have such a great guy at my side :)

hey Brigitte - it's only taken me FOUR YEARS to get rid of (almost) all the baby weight... even then the body has changed shape in parts - saggier parts sadly!!! ;)
But hey, the reasons are so worth it :)

Miss Bougie said...

Four years is not so bad. Think of all the other stuff, much more important stuff, you needed to do during that time with young kiddies roaming the house. Who thinks of dieting??

I don't agree with your term "saggier parts".
We do now have ALL the right curves in ALL the right places, don't we?!
It makes us way more feminin and desirable. :)

Natalie Anderson said...

ahem, Brigitte - I can live with it of course but twin tummy is definitely NOT desirable!!!!

You're so right tho - there's been way too much other more important stuff to do these last years - no way could I diet - needed the energy too much :)