Wednesday, 5 January 2011

January ramblings and a radio interview...

We hit the pool yesterday rather than the beach and it was fab. The kids all got new dive sticks in their Santa stockings and they were brilliant to use – kept the big two swimming from one end of the pool to the other, and kept the little two submerged half the time (although it was hysterical because both twins are petite and struggle so hard to stay on the bottom long enough to scoop up the stick). Might have to go back today.

I finally updated my website yesterday with some new covers and titles and stuff, also finished the line edits on my July book and worked some more on the half-baked cake that is the next one. Now the edits and updates are done it’s really time to dig deep into that one and get it right.

Lastly, I recorded an interview with Radio New Zealand a couple of weeks ago and it aired yesterday. It’s a light interview and I’m talking about managing life with the kids and writing and basically how much I love my job. If you want,  you can listen to it here.


Lacey Devlin said...

It's a great interview Nat! I loved getting a glimpse into your process and how you manage everything. Thanks so much for sharing :)

Natalie Anderson said...

Hi Lacey - so glad you enjoyed it. I heard way too many ums in the bit I heard before I turned it off! LOL...

Lacey Devlin said...

We're our own worst critics! I honestly didn't notice so it sounded natural. You should listen to the rest because it's FAB-U-LOUS!