First up - Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in America - I hope you're having a fabulous day with friends and family :)
My day here in New Zealand is going a little bit too slow and too fast. I've only a couple of hours before the kids get home and look at the mess I've made on the lounge floor - in fact I got a mirror down to try to help me see clearly... but sadly, my story is right in the so-messy-I'm-scared-I'll-never-sort-it phase. My brain is taking too long to figure it out.
Thank goodness for post-it notes and pens. But I'd better stop procrastinating!!!!!!
You sound like a girl who needs Scrivener. Have you checked out the beta version for Windows? You can set up all your post-its in it and swap them all around! If you need the link, let me know. Good luck with figuring it out!
Oh I have Scrivener Jackie! The file is open on the Macbook on the floor in the piccie ;)
But I really need to be able to see it all laid out as a whole and pick things up and move them around etc - and nothing beats post-its for that!
Do love Scrivener though - has some great features :)
I recently had the post-its out too but then the puppies tried to help...
I'm off to google Scrivener...
Lacey- Scrivener is the bestest. I love mine.
Natalie- I'm glad to know I'm not the only one still trying to figure things out. I haven't actually gotten the post-its out, but I may have to try that next week.
Yay for Scrivener and yay for that can of V I can see on the floor. I hope the post it notes have helped you out :D
Now you see, this just plain scares me!
Any time I see authors with this elaborate post-it note set up for scenes and the like, I turn green.
I have no idea how you do it and I'm beyond impressed!
Lol re the file being open on the Mac! Couldn't quite see it from this angle... hehe.
I have yet to use it as a storyboarding tool to be honest. I've never written that way but am aiming to give it a try.
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