Tuesday, 14 September 2010

And now for something completely random...

Okay, so I've been working hard on my latest story - its due very soon and I'm closing in on the final stages (where it all turns to custard - very hard to write sometimes!). Anyway, my heroine is involved with a few fictional online forums - one of them is 'Plastic Free Planet' - which is about 'living a life less plastic' by choosing to use less plastic products or whatever, to leave less of a plastic legacy... and in general, save the world...
Of course this gets a mention of about a paragraph in the book, if that. A par - because the book is a romance and its about her and the hero. But I have to say the PFP is taking over my mind!!!
Perhaps its a form of procrastination because I'm now at the point where I have to write the really hard stuff in the book and I'm avoiding it... but seriously, all I keep thinking about are plastic water bottles and using tiffins instead of plastic lunchboxes.
I have found over the years, the only way to rid myself of the madness of my nagging thoughts is to write them down. Hence being a writer I guess. So I decided to get rid of the PFP circling thoughts by putting them out there on the interweb... yep, there's now a page on Facebook for Plastic Free Planet. So come and say hi ;)
Maybe now I can get back to finishing the book...

Of course the VMAs sidetracked me a little too - did you see Gaga's meat dress? Hmmm.... was it cold do you think? Smelly?


Lacey Devlin said...

What a great concept! I've already had to stop drinking from plastic because it was making me sick and I was just thinking the other day that it was amazing just how much of the stuff I still had in my kitchen. I'm looking forward to reading all about your heroine!

Natalie Anderson said...

Oh Lacey - thanks so much for being with me on this one - I was worrying I was going M-A-D - well, I am of course, but not because of this. It's really scary how much we use it isn't it? And how much unnecessarily...

Jackie Ashenden said...

Lol re the avoidance! I an relate to that. I shall come and say hello. Good luck with the rest of it.
I liked the meat dress. Thinking one of my heroine's might quite like wearing one. ;-0

Natalie Anderson said...

Yeah - last time I was at this stage in a book I spent three days going thru the Montblanc website and cooing over the fountain pens - ridiculous when I'm a left-hander and would only leave smudges everywhere!

I'm not sold on the meat dress. but then I'm a vegetarian so I wasn't gonna be into it anyway!