Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The weird workings of my little mind...

It's funny how the brain works sometimes... I put something in at the start of this book I'm writing - with no real reason why or anything. It just popped out as a line in part of a conversation and I kept on writing thinking nothing much of it. It was just a flippant comment.

And now as I'm closing in on finishing the draft, the significance of it suddenly hits - and suddenly I have a whole new thread to help reveal character, and to show the change in the relationship. One throwaway line right at the beginning now has significance and symbolism later on. Ok its still a throwaway, flippant comment but it becomes so much more. Kinda like their relationship actually...

Cool huh? Well, I think it is anyway - others may not find this one so great, but it tickles me.

And what has that silly little bit of banter got to do with?

These beautiful creatures...

I so badly want an aquarium like that!!!!

(and for a bit of a price you can get one at Jellyfish Art)


Jackie Ashenden said...

I know exactly what you mean, Natalie. I had something like that happen in one of my drafts. And now it's like a major thread. Of course, now it means I have to rewrite other bits but c'est la vie. :-)

Lacey Devlin said...

Well I'm totally fascinated by those aquariums, no small feat considering I had a traumatic incident with a swarm of jellyfish as a child :)

Will we know that throwaway, flippant comment when we see it? I hope so, the impatient two year old in me has decided to make herself known :)

Bossier City Blinds said...

Thankk you for being you